Students Feedback
Anna Schalk, USA

Dear Theodoros,
I cannot express adequately my gratitude for your teaching. You enabled me/us to be able to celebrate the holiness of our Blessed Mother and Divine Jesus by honoring them with dedication and direction. Thank you.
Your devotion to this spiritual work provides you the ability to set and to maintain sacred energy for all of your students.
Sitting in that bath of sacred space has given new ways of looking and ancient ways of "being." Your workshop has more than fulfilled my expectations. I will continue to paint to celebrae the presences of the Holy Ones. I hope to be able to study with you in future workshops.
Daliah Korsun, USA

Theodore, thank you so much for another wonderful workshop. Once again, it exceeded my expectations. Being able to look at the printouts of different steps of painting was tremendously useful, as were the demonstrations. You kept the class moving and we all had a finished beautiful icon at the end, although I know it must have been difficult since we were all at different levels of experience. I learned more about blending and making straight lines and am pleased with my icon. I just had it blessed at church this evening. I hope to study with you again next year. Many blessings to you and your family.
Frank La Barre, USA

I would give the workshop a very high rating as it met my needs as a student in every way. Theodoros has developed a method of instruction, demonstration and student experience that almost guarantees a willing student positive results. I couldn't have been more pleased with the workshop and already I have received many compliments about the paintings we all produced. I also greatly enjoyed meeting so many nice people, including Theodoros and his wife. I would like to do this again next year!
Karen Nani Apana, USA

Dear Theodoros,
Thank you for the kind words and wonderful week of teaching traditional Icon painting. The 6 day course was intense, but I think that is what we all signed on for, whether we knew it or not.
You are an incredible teacher and I'm very appreciative of how you were able to guide "all of us" to the finish line.
It sometimes felt like running a marathon. I dreamt every night after the course was over, of "painting' in some form or another. One night I dreamt about painting "straight lines", another night about "blending "faces.
In some way I didn't want it to be over. I suppose it was all about "seeing" the three pillars of Icon painting. I do miss the painting community we established during that short week.
I am very grateful to Pat Preble for organizing this workshop and I look forward to painting with you again in the future.
Blessings on your Icon teaching across America this summer.
Garrett Wright, USA

Dear Theodoros,
I had a wonderful experience in your workshop. It was the most professional iconography course that I have attended. I came ready to learn everything that I possibly could. And my expectations were far surpassed. Following the workshop I feel much more confident in my ability to write icons.
Your instruction was superb. In fact, I had no difficulty with understanding you. You were methodical in your teaching and left out not the slightest useful detail. I saved all the pigment that we're in my palette and am currently writing the same icon of the Virgin of Vladimir on one of my boards. I have easily been able to recall from memory and my notes the entire process.
You taught us with passion and reverence for the subject.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart for passing on such beautiful tradition.
Tony Elite, USA

Let me first take this opportunity to thank you most hardily for the quality and depth of the Iconography workshop you held here in San Francisco. I found the material and quality of the instruction to be superb. The ambiance of the workshop with prayer and appropriate spiritual music only added to the depth of the experience.
I think all of the participants were delighted with the end results of their endeavors. I hope that your remaining workshops continue with the same high quality of instruction and rewarding results that our group experienced in San Francisco.
Michelle Krumland, USA

Thank you so much for coming to San Fransisco and teaching us icon painting. It was truly a wonderful journey, even if intense and challenging at times! I really appreciate how this experience - this type of painting - brings art and the spiritual together so beautifully. It felt very transformative for me in both these ways. I also really appreciated learning more about the history and philosophy of Iconography. I would have loved to have heard and learned even more about this.
Much good luck and good wishes to you in your travels and remaining workshops!!
Bobbe Koch, USA

Dear Theodore,
It was an unparalleled privilege to study under your master’s hand for six extraordinary days.
My heart is yearning to know and understand the spiritual significance of writing icons. I have read your email and your lecture many times. Whether our Lord will allow me to write another icon or not is an unknown at this time, but my love of icons and experiencing His divine light when meditating before them has changed and grown.
Thank you for your patience and guidance in helping me begin this journey. It would be a great honor to continue as your student in the future.
Mae Soni, Switzerland

Thank youTheodore for your guidance, patience, encouragement and and above all, for sharing with us your expertise on our 2 weeks initial journey to the world of Byzantine Iconography. You opened our eyes to understand more of the sacred art of Iconography. We are at awe how you teach and work with deep passion. I am grateful to have you as our teacher. Moreover, many many thanks for your hospitality, assistance and for the kindness of your family. I wish you more success and see you in one of your future courses.
Valerio Fantin, Italy

The workshop with Theodore was absolutely satisfying. I was a beginner but with the help of Theodore, his explications, the rules and the method he taught us, I was able to paint and finish the icon of “The Mother of God”.
I really loved his way to teach: he was always very direct and I think it is the best way to understand the mistakes and to improve your painting-skills. I've learned a lot. Perfect!
Marina Sisson, Brazil

Thank you Theodore for showing me a new way of seeing icons: paying attention to every minimum detail, since wholeness is made of details.
With firm and gentle hand, Theodore guided us into this sacred world. This workshop will change my iconographic work. God bless you.
Jozie Maranhão, Brazil

The seminar exceeded my expectations. I was very touched by the responsible and kind way that Theodore guided me into the learning of how to paint. This attitude arised on me the wish of continuing on iconography, because his teachings made me understand the importance of seeing each right color, each right line, to compose the icon.
Nicole Sample, Canada

Studying iconography in Greece has been an exceptional experience. Theodore is a knowledgeable teacher who provides his students with the tools and confidence they need to complete a traditional Byzantine icon both in class, and at home. I would recommend this class to anyone who is looking for an authentic Greek experience and who truly wants to grow in their ability to write an icon.
Tania Hutchison, Brazil

I was indeed expecting that the course would be good. But it overcame at the mostly expectations. I came looking for answers and I have them all answered. I do thank you Theodoros for being so patient with me. I also thank you for having shared your knowledge that as I observed is very vast. Didactics that have been perfect. Being accepted for participating at your course was a very big honor. I wait you to come to Brazil for other people as well to become able to realise their dream.
Veronica Royal, USA

Theodore Papadopoulos is an excellent, patient teacher with professional level iconographic skills. He has been painting at a high level for many years, using his fine craftsmanship to adorn and beautify churches in Greece.
Theodore has developed a curriculum in his workshops that elevates not only the skills of a beginner but those in his master/advanced classes. For those interested in beginning a journey in the beautiful art of iconography or to those needing advanced knowledge, I highly recommend Theodore's workshops.
I consider myself blessed to have been a student at his Byzantine School of Iconography.
Marianna Savaryn, Canada

During the workshop held in Larissa, Theodore shared his vast knowledge of the treasured techniques of water gilding as well as practical exercises for the garments and ending with the writing of an icon of the Theotokos. I enjoyed learning many details of this discipline in particular using transfer gold with the water gilding. Thank you for inspiring me to continue sharing the joy of bringing light into the world made one brush stroke at a time through this icon which I consider to be a sacred prayer. I bow to the mystery. I bow to the God in you. Praise be to the God in you!
Teresa Foley, USA

Your summer class provided me the opportunity to gain an understanding of the technique of Byzantine iconography. Your patient instruction left me in awe as to what I was able to achieve as a beginning student. Your focus on lines, color, and blending enabled me to create practice panels with movement and energy that will provide guidance for the divine inspiration that comes from the art of iconography. With your guidance and encouraging explanations, my confidence increased and I am grateful for having had the opportunity to spend time with you.
Marit, Lisbeth and Ragnhild, Norway

In february 2013 we went from Norway to Denmark to a course in painting icons. The teacher was Theodoros Papadopoulos from Larissa, Greece.
We have been painting icons for some years, and we really looked forward to learn something new.
We have always used egg-tempera, and now we learned to paint with glue and water. We also learned to use agate-stone on the gold to make it shine like "a mirror".
We paint Christ Pantocrator, on a big woodblock of lind. Theodoros was very patient with us students and he helped us to get good results. We are very satisfied that we could get the opportunity to be students at the course, and learned more about this special art.
Finn Gunther, Denmark

I enjoyed the course in Tisvilleleje very much, and I got a lot of inspiration from you. You are a very patient teacher and very highly qualified. I would love to join again one of your courses sometime if possible.
Rania Bountouri, Greece
It was a great experience to work with you. You revealed to me a totally new perspective to approach painting.
After years of my own effort, finally needed to little time with you to accomplish the best result Ι could imagine. I hope to have the chance again to study with you.Thank you from the depths of my heart.
Hanne Andersen, Denmark

Theodoros is a very competent and patient teacher. I learned a lot of new techniques at the course in icon painting in Denmark and I now have the courage to paint icons on my own at home.
Symela Papaevaggelou, Greece

For a student who wants to learn icon painting, the teacher should be aware and respectful of religious traditions. I would like to thank Mr. Papadopoulos who helps new iconographers be approached with seriousness the sacred art of iconography and by continuous training to create remarkable works.
Father Efrem Habtout, Lebanon
First Ι would say that my courses with you was very useful and impressing. I am glad that Ι chose you as a teacher because of your technique and your blessed work that helped me too much to devlop my work olso the most amazing that you have a smooth style in teaching may God bless you.
Also i would like to inform you that i am trying to prepare for the courseshere in lebanon wich you will be the teacher with some students that they might haveknowlege about painting so they become expert in iconography.
Now i would like to say hello again wishing that you are doing well and your family . Soon i will send for you my new work so you can give me your observation I would say thank you beause you asked for my impressions about you dear Theodore.
with my best regards.
Violeta Meleti, Greece

I am taking Hagiography long enough, and when I wanted to take additional courses, I felt through my teacher Theodoros Papadopoulos, the true nature of the art of iconography.
With patience and perseverance, true criticism, correct identification of weaknesses, I could raise the essence of art, and with the skills to practice with confidence in my self now when I would do my first steps on my own, without his own review and guidance.
Barbara Morganti, Italy
My iconpainting lessons with Theodore have been very fruitful. He has showed me his own technique, different from the one I have been using so far and given memany useful tips which I am sure will contribute to improving my future iconworks. Besides being a very good iconographer, Theodore is also a very nice andpleasant person.
Nasos Kalogeropoulos, Greece

I'm very happy and pleased with the lessons I have attended in Theodore's workshop. I am a novice icon painter but by these lessons, I started to realise what the icon painting is. Thank you Theodore. It's like you gave me a special magnifying glass and now I can see icons with a totally new perspective. The class was very nice, the students were very interesting and nice persons.
A very relaxing environment with a friendly atmosphere. I wish the best for you and your beautiful family.
Fotios Kiriazidis, Germany

I would like to thank you for your friendly, cute and adorable hospitality. As a new hagiographer in the art of Byzantine iconography, I came without great expectations. But I was wrong! You helped me to go much more than I expected .These lessons with you helped me to understand the fundamentals of Byzantine iconography. Thank you and wish you all the best.
Kiriaki Iliaki, Greece

Unimaginably amazing to me the experience and knowledge so frankly you shared with us all.
I hope for a next meeting and continuity in this brilliant work of soul.
Ayman Fayez Attia, Egypt

I’d like to express my gratitude for the effort made in teaching us the art of the Byzantine icon. You didn't teach me the techniques only, but your dedication at work. You are really the best teacher and ambassador for the Sacred Art. Greetings and appreciation from a student whom you taught art and humanity.
Hanne, Birgitte, Marit Lisbett, Ragnhild, Laila, Norway - Denmark
Dear Theodore,
We all thank you so much from our hearts for the wonderful course in icon painting.
We are very grateful and we feel honoured, that you shared you knowledge with us and showed us the techniques of painting icons.
Love from all of us
Hanne, Birgitte, Marit Lisbett, Ragnhild, Laila.
Wanderley da Silva e Silva, Brazil

It has been a huge privilege participating in this course for it was important that its content was accessible, objective and vast. The practical exercises and and the Byzantine tradition of iconography were taught in a gradual and safe way. I do consider as the most positive point of this course that it was applied and explanatory. Finally, I also believe that it suggests in the capacity and the development continuity of its students.
Nikoleta Melisinou, Greece

I thank Mr Papadopoulos, because the lessons were a real revelation for me and a real divine gift.
Macarena Rioseco, Chile

Taking classes with Theodoros was a very nice experience. He is a great teacher and I have learned what I was needing. I am impressed of Theodoros mastery in handling the materials and techniques and he was very generous in his teaching.
M. Rioseco's portfolio
Helen Tsesmetzi, Greece

Thank you so much, for taught me the art of iconography and especially for your calm nature, because you gave me the strength to continue my efforts in this pious art.
Sr. Teresa Cruz, Philippines

My journey in the iconography course which started as a curiosity about the meaning of the iconsled to a deeper appreciation of the sacred art and its subjects. Thank you Theodore for your patience, understanding and guidance in my initial venture into the world of iconography and for sharing your expertise and creativity.You have opened my eyes to see the beauty of each line and shadow that wewrite. I am delighted to bring home my personal icon of Our Lady, the Mother of God which was made possible with your kind and constant assistance. My stay in Larissa has indeed been a very enriching spiritual experience. My gratitude also goes to your family for the hospitality and generosity. God bless.
Dimitra Tsesmetzi, Greece

I feel lucky to have met you, because I learned even more very usefull things. The courses were immaculate. You tought us things that no one did before. I personally thank you very much for your patience, and everything I learned from you.
Tasos Kleisas, Greece

Theodoros's lessons are of unique character for they combine vast knowledge as to methodologies and a very didactic way of how to have them transmitted insitu have enriched my personal perception of the iconography, and gave me all the means to go forward into my exploration of reaching unknown boarders that mingle my passion for art and my urge to come closer with divine. I am very pleased and honored that I had the oportunity to be one your students. Thanks a lot Theodore, and may God bless you helping you in keeping up splendid work.
Athena Orfanidou, Greece

By Theodore, my dream to go further on iconography became a reality. God bless him for what he's been doing, and he gives it so generously. I thank him.